The original 8052 had a 12-clock structure, one machine cycle required 12 clocks, and most instructions were one or two machine cycles. So, in addition to the multiplication and division instructions, each instruction in 8052 uses 12 or 24 clocks, and in addition, each cycle in 8052 uses two memory retrievals. In many cases, the second one is a fake extraction, and the extra clock is wasted.
The OB38R08A1 is a fast single-chip 8-bit microcontroller core. This is a full-featured 8-bit embedded controller that executes all ASM51 instructions with the same instruction settings as the MCS-51.
Operating voltage: 2.4V ~ 5.5V
High-speed 1T architecture up to 8MHz
The 1~8T mode can be programmed by software
Command settings are MCS-51 compatible
Built-in 8MHz RC oscillator and programmable divider
8KB bytes of on-chip programmable memory in program memory
256B bytes of standard 8052 RAM
Dual 16-bit data pointers (DPTR0&DPTR1)
A serial interface for full-duplex communication. Additional baud rate generator
Four 16-bit timers/counters (timers 0,1,2,3)
Up to 18 GPIOs (8L~20L package pins), GPIOs can be selected in four types (quasi-bidirectional port, push-pull, open-drain, input only), default quasi-bidirectional port (pull-up)
External Interrupt 0 & External Interrupt 1 with four levels of priority
Programmable Watchdog Timer (WDT)
One IIC interface (master/slave mode)
2 x 10-bit Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
3 x 16-bit Compare (PWM)/Capture/Reload (CCU)
8 x 12-bit analog-to-digital (ADC)
On-chip Comparator (CMP)
On-Chip Operational Amplifier (OPA)
The on-chip memory supports ICP and EEPROM functions
On-chip Simulation (ICE) and On-Chip Debugging (OCD)
Low Voltage Interrupt/Low Voltage Reset (LVI/LVR)
Pin ESD performance exceeds 4KV
Enhanced user code protection
The power management unit is in idle and power-down mode