The OB6654 is a highly integrated electromagnetic heating solution. The analog part has built-in IGBT driver, HV_MOS driver and 5V voltage regulator module, which simplifies the peripheral circuit of system design. The digital section contains a fast monolithic 8-bit microcontroller core, a full-featured 8-bit embedded controller that executes all ASM51 instructions with the same instruction settings as the MCS-51.
The OB6654 is available in 20-pin and 16-pin SOP packages.
Typical Applications
Induction cooker, IH rice cooker and other systems
■ Digital/analog hybrid control
■ Operating voltage: 10V ~ 22V
■ Built-in IGBT driver circuit
■ Built-in AVDD 5V/100mA (LDO)
■ Built-in HV_MOS drive circuit
■ MCU high-speed 1T architecture, up to 8MHz
■ 1~8T mode can be set by program
■ Command settings are compatible with MCS-51
■ Built-in 8MHz RC oscillator and programmable crossover
■ 8K bytes of on-chip programmable memory
■ 256 bytes of standard 8052 RAM
■ 128 bytes of EEPROM memory
■ Dual 16-bit data pointers (DPTR0 & DPTR1)
■ Serial interface for full-duplex communication. Additional baud rate generator
■ Four 16-bit timers/counters (0,1,2,3)
■ Up to 14 GPIOs, GPIOs can choose four types (quasi-bidirectional port, push-pull, open-drain, input only), the default quasi-bidirectional port
■ External interrupt 0 with four-level priority & external interrupt 1
■ Programmable Watchdog Timer (WDT)
■ One IIC interface (master/slave mode)
■ 2 x 10-bit PWM
■ 1 x 10-bit Programmable Pulse Generator (PPG)
■ 8-channel 12-bit analog-to-digital conversion (ADC)
■ Built-in 6 Comparators (CMPs)
■ One Built-in Operational Amplifier (OPA)
■ On-chip memory supports ICP and EEPROM functions
■ Low Voltage Interrupt/Low Voltage Reset (LVI/LVR)